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Take The First Step Towards Resolving Your Charges.

We look forward to hearing from you, providing a consultation, and then protecting your rights through your defense process.  We know that when you or a loved one is facing a charge, it can feel like your entire life is on hold. 

Serving Greater Minnesota & Western Wisconsin

I am licensed in both Minnesota and WIsconsin so I am able to handle cases in either juridication, regardless of which side of the border you live on.   I have helped several Wisconsin residents resolve charges they faced in Minnesota and have also helped Minnesotans fight charges after being arrested over the Wisconsin border.

How I Help People Who Have Been Arrested

My primary job is to protect you from possible fines, loss of freedom and in the case of a DUI, your drivers’ license.  The criminal defense process is complex and doesn’t always move very quickly.  It can take weeks or months to fully resolve a case from the preliminary hearing to the final verdict.